Special Publications of NEBS
The New England Botanical Society periodically issues Special Publications, which are manuscripts about the New England flora that are too lengthy for a single issue of Rhodora, or which have utility as stand-alone volumes. The Special Publications Committee reviews submitted manuscripts, and usually seeks additional peer reviews. If a manuscript is accepted, the Society typically funds printing of a limited number of copies and distributes a portion of these to libraries or botanical institutions. Authors are encouraged to make arrangements to fund printing of additional copies from outside sources. Authors are encouraged to contact the Chair of the committee before submitting a manuscript to evaluate its suitability as a Special Publication.
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Bertin, R. I., M. G. Hickler, K. B. Searcy, G. Motzkin, and P. P. Grima. 2020. Vascular Flora of Franklin County, Massachusetts. 390 pages. ($25 postpaid) PDF Download
Vascular Flora of Franklin County, Massachusetts describes the flora of a botanically interesting part of Massachusetts. The county includes parts of the Worcester Plateau, the Connecticut River Valley and the Berkshire Highlands. This publication is based on over 60,000 field and herbarium records logged over a period of ten years. It includes introductory sections on the physical setting, geology, climate, soils, vegetation, human influence, and history of botanical collection and exploration. Most of the 390 pages are devoted to an annotated list of all species known from the county. Species information includes abundance, nativity status, habitat, associated species, distribution within the county, conservation status, and flowering and fruiting phenology. A town-level distribution map is included for each species, with information on historical and recent occurrences. Three appendices include a) an annotated list of collectors, b) a list of species excluded with explanations, and c) detailed information on flowering times of over 90 species.
Bertin, R. I. and T. J. Rawinski. 2012. Vascular Flora of Worcester County, Massachusetts. 289 pages. ($23 postpaid)
A few paper copies are available! PDF Download
Vascular Flora of Worcester County, Massachusetts. has been published by the New England Botanical Society. The 290-page book includes sections on the physical setting, geology, climate, soils, vegetation patterns, human impact, and a history of botanical collection in the county. The core of the book is an annotated list of the 2043 species found in the county. Species information includes abundance, status (native or alien), habitat, distribution within the county, conservation status, and flowering and fruiting phenology. Distribution maps are included for 700 species, illustrating current and former distributions at the town level.
Standley, L. A. 2011. Field Guide to Carex of New England. 182 pages. PDF Download
Searcy, K. B. 2008. Vascular Flora of the Greater Mount Holyoke Range, Hampshire County, Massachusetts. 92 pages. PDF Download, and Addendum September 2019
Bertin, R. I. 2000. Vascular Flora of Worcester, Massachusetts. ($18 paper, $5 CD postpaid) 155 pages. A few paper copies and CD's are available! PDF Download
Storks, I. M. and G. E. Crow. 1978. Rare and Endangered Vascular Plant Species in New Hampshire. (In cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.) 77 pages. PDF Download
Mehrhoff, L. J. 1978. Rare and Endangered Vascular Plant Species in Connecticut. (In cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.) 41 pages. PDF Download
Countryman, W. D. 1978. Rare and Endangered Vascular Plant Species in Vermont. (In cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.) 68 pages. PDF Download
Coddington, J. and K. G. Field. 1978. Rare and Endangered Vascular Plant Species in Massachusetts. (In cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.) 62 pages. PDF Download
Eastman, L. M. 1978. Rare and Endangered Vascular Plant Species in Maine. (In cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). 66 pages.
Church, G. L. & R. L. Champlin. 1978. Rare and Endangered Vascular Plant Species in Rhode Island. (In cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). 17 pages.
Pease, A. S. 1964. A Flora of Northern New Hampshire. 278 pages. PDF Download
Blake, S.F. 1963. The Flora of Stoughton, Massachusetts. 64 pages. PDF Download